LongBone Library

History Of The Library


Party Palooza




    Party Palooza Requirements and Costs
    Must bring your own beer or alcoholic beverage for the Party Palooza (We can't waste THAT much money on beer)
    Must be 11 and older to enter the Party Palooza, specialty closets for staff serve as private rooms for them (Janitor's Closet)
    Children under the age of five must be chained to a pole located outside (Leashes are provided)




$90.00 $120.99 $5.00
$150.00 $230.45 $15.00
    Child Safety and Responsibility
Children above the age of five but under the age of eleven will be taken to the back facility of the library
and will be taken care of by Timmothy Bundington, a professional child psychologist and self-taught chiropractologist.

Sadly, the beloved child named Johnathan Mandell died via head injury under the supervision of Mr. Timmothy. He will be missed.
The parents were sued and incarcerated and Mr. Timmothy was awarded $10,000. The child's body was awarded to Mr. Timmithy
which he keeps on display in the back facility to this day.